Being from an extremely small town, I can validate that most tourists just pass through, but I can also validate the fact that not all small towns are terrible or boring like most assume. Small towns aren’t crowded, the traffic is really nice, and so is the scenery. Most small towns are also quite historic with unique qualities which can result in interesting attractions. Here are some examples that would serve as great trips for a Southern Belle.
Beaufort, SC has a list of things to do from shopping at the historic homes like Gullah Statesmen, Robert Smalls, boating and fishing, crabbing, and much more. Beaufort, SC has a good list of Historical Landmarks including Historic Penn Center, and plenty of Gullah-owned businesses to support. (beaufortsc.org).

Eureka Springs, AR will provide you with that “Extraordinary Escape” that you have been searching for in a small town. Yes, the town is small, but there is more than enough to keep you interested. You can enjoy the theater and arts, ghost tours, historic tours, or motorcycle tours. Oh yeah! Eureka Springs also offers real Extra Virgin Olive Oil which happens to be one of largest and freshest marketers in the US (eurekasprings.org).
Natchitoches, LA is quite an interesting small, southern town. They host annual festivals such as “the Natchitoches Jazz/R&B Festival, the Natchitoches Meat Pie Festival and the world-famous Natchitoches Christmas Festival and Festival of Lights” (natchitochesla.gov). Not to mention, their food and shopping opportunities are one of a kind.

I assure you, the town is small!

Oxford, MS is waiting to welcome you with their small town spark, culinary experiences, and great inspiration which includes artists, musicians, and writers. I mean, literary legend William Faulkner does rest there at the Saint Peter’s Cemetery. Also, Oxford is home to the University of Mississippi, so why not tour the school too?

Visit Oxford, they have a lot to offer
Fredericksburg, TX is just a small town in a big state. But with their attractions, I must say, “Hats off to ya!” Fredericksburg is working with great nature scenes, fine wines, antiques, arts, and so much more. I don’t know what appeals more to a hard-working southern belle than relaxing, sipping, and listening to the harmonious harp whisper gently into your ear; after visiting the Enchanted Rock. Isn’t that the way to spend your small town travels?
Franklin, TN is definitely one heck of a small town. Although there are attractions, the town itself is an attraction! Named after Benjamin Franklin, one of the oldest and wealthiest towns in the US, along with Civil War sites and museums and Victorian and Antebellum houses. This small town really has the potential of a huge city.
Beaufort, NC, not SC! Trust me. There is a dynamic difference between the two great small towns. Sure, Beaufort, NC has boating, fishing too, but they differ by having attractions such as shark fishing, a dolphin watch, sunset cruise, and a very unique island hopping where “the best SHELLING beaches in North Carolina are inside the Park & Shackleford Banks is home to roughly 120 WILD HORSES with a history dating back nearly 400 years!” (visitbeaufortnc).
Beaufort, NC has some unique things to offer!
Dahlonega, GA, site of the first major Gold Rush of the United States, is like finding a diamond in a coal mine. Pure gold were beneath those surfaces! Right here in the South! Not only do you get to walk across where pure gold once was, you get to experience mountain vistas, golf, streams, waterfalls, and not to mention, great wines… for this small town is the “Heart of Georgia Wine Country” (dahlonega.org).
Stuart, FL is a flourishing small town that has all the aspects of a tourism worthy community. Stuart has spas, a host of independently owned businesses such as dining and boutiques, and they serve as the “Sailfish Capital of the World!”
Mooresville, AL has a history that long began way back in 1805. This city happens to be very historic, with a few of its first buildings still standing today! “The Brick Church, the Post Office, and the Stagecoach Inn and Tavern are maintained by the town’s residents in an effort to preserve some pieces of history” (mooresvilleal.com). In fact, President James A. Garfield once preached at their old white clapboard Church of Christ. How many small towns get the honor of having a former President preach in one of their two oldest churches?

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