Looking to add global flair to your southern home? With help from Nashville based interior designer, Laura Thurman of Thurman Design Studio, we have the exact tips to get you started. This Los Angeles Transplant is bringing global style to the bustling city of Nashville and today she is sharing her 5 Tips on How to Add Global Flair to a Southern Home. Check them below:
5 Tips on How to Add Global Flair to a Southern Home
1st Be Selective– One of the biggest keys to adding global flair to
2nd Texture– Be sure your space has visual and physical layers of texture. Think of all the countries that evoke that global beauty Morocco, India and Thailand just to name a few. One thing they all have in common are the layers and texture their architecture and designs evoke. Start for the bottom up. Select first an awesome area rug that is properly sized for your space. You can visit my blog post here for an article dedicated on how to find the right size area rug for your room.
A well made area rug not only grounds the space but lays the foundations for the rest of the textures in the room. If the rug is lush and shaggy consider a sofa where the fabric has less texture. Mix and match, build the textures one on top of another. Starting with larger pieces of furniture first your sofa, console table and armchairs then move on to the smaller pieces.
3rd Color– Color is expressed all around the world with various saturations and tones. Thats the best part about design with global flair is there are no color rules except, that you decide on a color palette before you start designing. Do you love the bold jewel tones like emerald green, hot reds and indigo blues? Or are you drawn to a monochromatic feel, white and blacks with warm wood tones? Both color schemes can represent global flair. If your a southern girl who likes sophistication than your best best is to have your foundation minimal and layer in color with accents and accessories. Consider having a few color surprises in your home such as an entire powder room painted a bold color, walls, ceilings and trim. Or select a unique accent color for your dining room ceiling.
4th History– Nothing says welcome to my global infused home better that furniture pieces with history! Think back to time you went and visited a museum. What items stood out as being most beautiful or unique? Probably the reeeeeallly old items. Thats not to say that your entire house needs to be filled with antiques. You do however, want a piece or two thats not brand new and looks as though it has a story or a past. Luckily in the South there are tons of flea markets and places to find such pieces. Don’t rule out Etsy and Ebay. Some of my most precious global finds were purchased on Etsy.
5th Non-Traditional Art? Art is so subjective and when it comes to adding global flair to your southern home think of using unconventional art. Southern and Country design do this well. They convert or highlight a certain piece of furniture and turn it into something different with a multipurpose use. Tapestries, antique paint brushes, old fabric, woven wall hangings, bowls and trays can all be used and hung as art. Think out side the box the more unique the more global your art will feel.
5 Tips on How to Add Global Flair to a Southern Home