6 Home Organizers Give Tips for Organizing Your Closet | BSB MEDIA

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6 Home Organizers Give Tips for Organizing Your Closet

6 Home Organizers Give Tips for Organizing Your Closet

Going into the New Year always encourages us to set goals to have a successful year. We may not be aware of where to start, but with a goal in mind there are individuals that can assist us in getting started. If organization is a goal for you to obtain or a consistent habit that you have implemented over the years; your closet is one area that may be a great place to start or a room to improve your organization skills. Organizing your closet has many pros. From finding outfits with ease to staring in awe from your finished organization work, closet organizing is a great addition to any Black Southern Belle home.
If you are interested in tips on where to start or booking organization services with Black Southern Belles who can make organized closet vision a reality, these 6 Black Southern Belles should become your next point of contact.

Organized by Jen D
Well-organized space? Less clutter and mess? More peace? If this is what you are needing in your life, Organized by Jen D aims to provide organization and has shared a tip with BSB to help each of you start your closet organization process.

Tip #1: “Before starting any closet organizing journey it is important to think about how you want to live, the goals you want to accomplish, and what styles and colors make you feel your very best. Take note of what comes up for you and use it as a guide for deciding what items will remain in your wardrobe. Only keep items that support what you’ve written down.”


Email: jenniferdubois@organizedbyjend.com
Website: www.organizedbyjend.com
IG: @organizedbyjend

Lavender Organizes


Based in Alexandria,Virginia, Lavender Organizes offers professional organizing, decluttering services to homes and businesses. Lavender Menakaya Founder and professional organizer of Lavender Organizes understands the importance of organization and has a tip to help you begin your closet organizing journey.
Tip #2: “Begin with visualizing what you want your closet to look like and then declutter. Start with one category, for example shoes. Focus on clothes another day, then purses. Have bags or bins for different purposes when sorting. A bag for donation, for selling, and yard sale worthy items. Once your donation bag fills up literally; the next day, drop it off at the donation center. Try not to keep the donation bag in the house. Choose another day out of the week to start the process again, have fun, and listen to music!”
Email: info@lavenderorganizes.com
Website: www.LavenderOrganizes.com
IG: @lavenderorganizes

Client Before

Client After

Organized By Tiara

Based in Texas, Organized By Tiara provides consultations,solutions based on expectations, and suggestions on the best organization package that will best suit you. Tiara understands that if any piece of your home is a mess your days may be chaotic and this CEO aims to decrease that chaotic feeling.

Tip #3: “Be honest with yourself. Just because you purchased the item doesn’t mean it’s necessarily for you anymore. Just because it’s in #YourCloset doesn’t mean it should stay there. I understand some things are very sentimental but sometimes letting go is the better choice. Decluttering and eliminating plays a big role with your health and space to see and breath is necessary.”
Website: https://organizedbytiara.com
IG: organized_bytiara
Video: https://fb.watch/apO_c1m-xq/

Organized by Jasmine LLC
Jasmine Pruitt is known for creating calm in a world full of craziness by organizing and simplifying lives. With her strong attention to detail, she strategically organizes and keeps homes and businesses running effortlessly in various settings. Jasmine states to obtain an aesthetically pleasing perspective you should use matching hangers for the win!

Tip #4: “Something as small as investing in matching hangers will calm the eye as you shop your wardrobe. It will also hold you accountable to how many you purchase. If you tell yourself you are investing in 150 matching hangers, you are less likely to keep shopping until you purge and have hangers available.”

Email: jp@organizedbyjasmine.com
Website: www.organizedbyjasmine.com
IG: @organizedbyjasmine


Klean Bee’s Nest, LLC
Kendra Burnette at Klean Bee’s Nest, specializes in overall home organization and provides interior styles and design services for southern homes in Charlotte, Raleigh-Durham, Chapel Hill and surrounding areas. She is highly capable of “keeping your nest clean, organized, and designed”. If this is the way you want your closet to look and feel, this tip below will show you how to do just that.

Tip #5: “Investing in organizational tools such as; containers, bins, dividers and velvet/wooden hangers will help with the overall look and feel of your closet. You should sort the clothing based on how you categorize the closet. Sort clothing based on; everyday wear, formal wear, casual wear, folded items, etc. The best way to keep the closet flowing in a uniformed look, is to color-coordinate each section. You can either start from lighter to darker colors (white to black) or use the ROYGBIV color method (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).”

Email: kleanbeesnestllc@gmail.com
Website: https://www.kleanbeesnest.com

D’Vine Order
D’Vine Order is a professional organizing and styling company based in the Washington, DC Metro area. Since 2018, Dalys Macon has shaped her business to refine spaces and help Black Southern Belles and Beaus find their unique personal style and become DiVinely Ordered. Organizer Macon provided BSB with a tip that you should use for your closet and can be applied to other places in your home.

Tip #6: “Let go of the “just in case” items that no longer represent who you are and especially where you are going. Ensure you are only keeping what is useful and loved.”

Email: divineorder4u@gmail.com
Website: https://divineorder4u.com
IG: @divineorder4u

Closet organizing is a specialty where Black Southern Belles excel; on top of many other skills and above are 6 Black Women Home Organizers who are providing great service and quality closet organizing tips. To see more ways to organize your home check out these organizers websites and keep up with the skills you need to live an overall organized life.




Terrianna Mccullough

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