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BSB Media Holiday Favorites in Beaufort, SC
BSB Media Gullah Sea Island Christmas Favorites

Northern Belle in the Carolinas

Northern Belle in the Carolinas 7

Mix a southern belle with a northern miss and you’ll get a renaissance woman! Monae is just that. Being founder of The Educated Socialite, she started an organization that encourages young women to be live their best lives professionally and socially. Read more about how she found a home in the South and embodies the role of a true BSB.


Monae Bispham



Founder and President of The Educated Socialite



Brooklyn, NY

Alma Mater

Claflin University


Favorite thing about the South:

 My favorite thing about the south are the people. Coming from a major city, it was a big adjustment for me and a culture shock. However, majority of the people I encountered reminded me of my family members from the Caribbean. They were warm and welcoming.

What is your personal life motto?

Direct instruction without direction leads to destruction

What is the most challenging professional obstacle you have had?

 The most challenging professional obstacle I had was my first job after graduating. Actually my first three jobs after I was determined to make it on my own and be a young adult. I worked three jobs to support myself. Life got real.


Who is your favorite character on a “Different World”?

 My favorite character on a different world would have to be Lena James hands down. She walked to the beat of her own drum although she was out of her element. It took her while, but she got adjusted and still remained the feisty inner city chick. My kind of girl.

If you could do any job, what would that be? 

If I could do any job it would be a den mother/owner of my own shelter for girls. That would be super epic for me.

What would your best friend say is the best quality about yourself? 

My best friend would say my best quality is my outgoing personality. If I could compare us to the characters Tia and Tamara from Sister Sister, I would say I am Tamara and she is Tia.


What advice would you give your younger college self? 

To my younger college self I would say, It’s okay to let your guard down, trust the process and STUDY MORE! There is too much free money out there for your to be playing around. Tighten up.

Where can we connect with you? Follow my brand/non-profit organization  @TheEducatedSocialite on Instagram @educatedsocialite on Facebook. Check out our page here.

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Michiel Perry

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