When a Southern belle and a Carolina gentleman meet, it is a magical moment for sure! Quinton and Morgan met in Columbia, South Carolina at a local restaurant. After a night of friendly conversation, Morgan’s friend slipped Quinton her number! That night, Quinton called and the rest is history! The couple enjoys travel, cheering on the Clemson Tigers, and trying new restaurants in Columbia.
Bride Name:
Morgan Bianca Nelson
Groom Name:
Quinton Jarvis Boykin
Engagement Location:
Columbia, South Carolina
Engagement Date:
April 8th, 2017
Alma Mater of Bride:
Bennett College
Alma Mater of Groom :
Clemson University
Current City where you live:
Columbia, South Carolina
Bride Hometown:
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Groom Hometown:
Camden, South Carolina
Bride Sorority:
Alpha Kappa Alpha
How did you meet?
Quinton and I met at a local restaurant. I was new to the city and having dinner and drinks with a co-worker. Quinton and talked all night and laughed over my peculiar order (a plain hamburger with no cheese, ketchup, and mustard, anything…I believe in simplicity in even food!). At the end of the night, my co-worker slipped Quinton my number while I was in the restroom and encouraged him to call. I went home bummed he didn’t ask for my number! Imagine my surprise when he called me later that night!
How long have you dated?
We have been dating 3 years and 7 months.
How did he propose?
Quinton proposed on my birthday at the location of our first date. It seemed like a typical birthday dinner date until Quinton started discussing our relationship and love and future! He pulled out the most beautiful ring at the same table we sat at on our first date. I replay that moment almost daily.
When did you know he was the one?
Quinton has every quality I’ve prayed for. He is honest, an incredible friend, brilliant, giving and hilarious. It doesn’t hurt that he hunts! This southern girl loves a man who can hunt and fish. I’ve had several “he’s the one moments”, but recently he really proved this. My grandfather passed away in Alexandria, VA in March. Quinton left work, picked me and drove me 8 hours to Virginia to be with my family.
What is the cutest thing he has done for you without you asking?
Quinton planned an awesome get away on Hilton Head last year. He arranged a “just because” spa day followed by dinner. We watched Clemson football at this cute little bar on the beach, it was a perfect day!
What is something you love about him that has completely changed your life?
Quinton has taught me how to be more organized. I am very laid back and go with the flow. He is …not! The balance has been good for me professionally and personally.
What part of wedding planning is making you crazy?
I actually LOVE wedding planning so far. We are in the early stages, so I haven’t gone crazy yet.
What part of wedding planning can you not live without?
Pinterest! It’s amazing to look at so many creative ideas and find ways to make them your own.
What was your first thought the day after your engagement?
“I can’t wait to see my mom in person!”
What did you love about taking engagement pictures?
I loved our southern location of Camden, South Carolina. I also loved incorporating a blush pink gown. I’ve worn blush pink to several important life events (Jack and Jill galas, my mother’s 50th birthday, my Master’s graduation, ect.) . It’s become my signature color.
Who did you tell first about your engagement?
My mother was my first call, followed by my brother and best girlfriends.
Are you used to the ring yet?
No! I play with it constantly but never want to take it off.
How many times do you accidentally say girlfriend instead of fiance in a day?That is one mistake I do not make!
Image by Tiffany Ellis Photography