Today we are featuring another taleneted Black Southern Belle. If you need someone to direct your next film or shoot your next event, Paige is your belle. She represents what a creative black southern belle has to offer. She stays true to her southern roots and expresses herself creatively through writing and photography. She will be writing for us soon so all look out for her future pieces!
Title: Writer/ Photographer
Company/Org: Daisy Love Photography
Hometown: Lithonia, GA
Alma Mater: Howard University
Sorority: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Favorite thing about being southern: Seeing a sweet Southern gesture make another person happy.
What is your personal life motto? “Keep writing. Keep living. Keep loving.”
What is the most challenging professional obstacle you have had? I remember working at a very nice hotel in New York. I worked the overnight shift so not only was I dealing with demanding guests, but I had to deal with DRUNK demanding guests. The most challenging part was knowing that sometimes these people had no respect for me and they associated my job with apparently not having much of a brain. It took a lot to be humble and still remain professional and polite. I wouldn’t trade that experience for the world though. It reminded me to always treat others with respect and to never assume. The movie Coming to America – also taught me that lesson.
Who is your favorite character a “Different World”? Whitley Gilbert: Hands down! My mother is Whitley Gilbert reincarnated and boy, has it been an entertaining and awesome life being raised by that woman 🙂
If you could do any job, what would that be? Writing and producing film/TV.
Who do you wish you could meet? Shonda Rhimes
What would your best friend say is the best/most annoying quality about yourself?
Best- I’m always there for her. No matter what.
Most annoying- I sometimes go into loner/non- affectionate mode
What advice would you give your younger college self?
I know it doesn’t feel like it, but you will figure it out. Things fall into place. They get messy at times, but they fall into place. Oh, and work out NOW so you don’t have to make up so much for it later. You WILL miss that 2007 body girl :-p
Where can we connect with you? Twitter/ Instagram: Southernbohemia
We are so excited to feature Paige and can’t wait to see her work on TV or the big screen. Make sure to connect with her and follow her work on Black Southern Belle!
Thanks for the support!
Looking forward to posts from this lady!
We totally agree as well!