Contact Us! | BSB MEDIA

Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, BSB Media will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All content is curated by editors of BSB Media..

BSB Media Favorites
Gullah Spirituals – by Eric Sean Crawford (Paperback)

Contact Us!

BSB Media  loves . That’s why we made this company. If you have any questions you want answered from your BSB perspective, let us know. We want to help you!

Also, if you are doing amazingly southern things, we want to shout you out. We are always looking for stories to feature.

Feel free to email us directly at



  1. May 19, 2015 / 5:45 pm

    I was contacted by you on my Business Page on Facebook. I would love to be apart of your magazine! Please let me know what to do. Thanks!

    Lakisha Dantzler,Owner

    • Michiel Perry
      May 19, 2015 / 6:13 pm

      Great! We will send you an email shortly! So excited to work together!

  2. June 1, 2015 / 2:30 pm

    Hi BSB! I was informed by a mutual associate of ours, Brittney Oliver, about the potential opportunity to contribute for your blog. I was surfing your website and love your content. Right now, I am an editor for a lifestyle blog, but am always looking for opportunities to write different and unique content. I just wanted to formally ask about that, and see if/how that would be possible. Please let me know at your earliest convenience – I look forward to hearing from you!

    • Michiel Perry
      June 1, 2015 / 3:22 pm

      Great news! We love finding new writers. Can’t wait to connect. We will email yo shortly!


  3. D. White
    June 16, 2015 / 10:18 pm

    Hi I was recently married on May 9 here in Louisiana I wanted to know how My wedding (royalty on the Bayou) or bridal shower(southern belle) can be featured on your site or magazine ! This would be such an honor and surprise to my husband! Thanks

  4. June 22, 2015 / 1:07 am


    A friend of mine introduced me to your site. I absolutely love it! I am A Southern Belle.. (Self proclaimed :D) I am the Founder, Editor & Publisher of Heritage Salon Magazine, the first and only magazine dedicated to African American Museums. I would love to connect. I am more than happy to send you some more information about what I do. My passion is to diversify the museum field. Also I LOVE Historic homes and anything Southern.

    Looking forward to connecting…

    • Michiel Perry
      June 22, 2015 / 3:41 pm

      Sooo glad you connected with us and appreciate your support! We will follow up with you via email shortly!


  5. July 1, 2015 / 2:15 am


    A friend (Hey, Ash!) referred me to your site and suggested I send you info for a feature. [But first, let me say I absolutely LOVE what you’re doing. Either way, you just gained a fan! :)] My sister & I lost our mother in 2013 and last year we launched a nonprofit support group called Surviving Daughters for young women, like us, who in their teens or twenties, have lost their mothers. We are trying to gain connections to every Surviving Daughter that we can to promote encouragement & love! We’d be elated to be featured!

    • Michiel Perry
      July 1, 2015 / 2:07 pm

      Thank you soooo much! So glad you love the site. We will be emailing you shortly! Can’t wait to feature your work! Love it!

  6. August 3, 2015 / 1:50 pm


    This is Danielle from TUFT (tuft_diymckim)! I am so thrilled to talk about doing a feature and what that would entail. I would also like to get information about advertising through your AMAZING site! Black Souther Belle is a true unique gem and I’m very excited to have connected with you! I am very inspired by your business, I’m coming up on one year at Tuft and there is so much I want to accomplish swinging into year 2 and I think having references like BSB is a step in the right direction.

    I very much look forward to speaking, have a wonderful week!


    • Michiel Perry
      August 3, 2015 / 2:12 pm

      Hi Danielle

      We are so excited to feature your store as well. Will be in touch soon discuss the feature and possible advertising opportunities!


  7. August 19, 2015 / 4:54 pm

    We would like to be a feature story. How can we set that up?

    • Michiel Perry
      August 19, 2015 / 5:35 pm

      Great! Email me at We would love to do a feature and possibly a partnership since we are headquartered in Charleston.


  8. September 5, 2015 / 5:01 pm

    Hi there!

    Great site! A few weeks ago, you featured one of our wedding photos on your Instagram page. We would love to submit the full wedding story for possible feature consideration. Feel free to let me know of the requirements for submission.



    • Michiel Perry
      September 8, 2015 / 1:52 am

      Hi Tory

      Please email me directly at We will email you the form from there. Thanks!


  9. Quinisha
    September 13, 2015 / 2:01 am

    I would love to connect specialize I’m event planning and dessert bars in Atlanta, GA..

  10. September 18, 2015 / 2:50 am


    I would like to submit our couple’s engagement session for feature. Please advise on the process.

    Kind Regards,
    Pearlice Diggs

  11. Denise Rich
    September 25, 2015 / 12:07 am

    Hello, I am responding to the inquiry from Instagram. (Reference Harold and Jasmine Duhon’s wedding. My email address is, and the bride, Jasmine Richardson Duhon’s email is

    We are grateful for the interest in Jasmine’s beautiful wedding; we are so excited!

  12. Donzella Walton
    September 27, 2015 / 12:41 am

    My daughter was recently highlighted and I am interested in purchasing hard copies of the publication. Do you publish your magazine in hard copy.

  13. October 6, 2015 / 1:54 am

    i was recently featured in your blog as a makeup artist. do you guys have a badge that i could use to put on my website?

  14. October 12, 2015 / 11:01 am

    We have an upcoming wedding that is truly southern all the way from the fried chicken to the peach cobbler. The venue is the icing on the cake! We would love if you could feature our clients on your site. Please let us know how we can get this done.


  15. October 26, 2015 / 3:34 pm


    I recently found your blog, and I wanted to reach out to you about working with Karina Dresses as a part of our affiliate program.

    We make vintage-inspired dresses from limited edition fabrics for every-body. Our brand promotes self love and acceptance, along with easy wear & care, for gals on the go! Everything is made right here in the USA. We sell our dresses to boutiques across the country, on our own website, and on

    We think that you would be a great fit for our affiliate program. Here’s how it works – you would have our banner on your blog and would receive 10% commission on sales that our generated through the link on your site.
    You can also receive $5 for each affiliate referral when you invite your website-owning and blogging friends to join the Karina affiliate program if they are approved.

    Take a look at our site, and let us know what you think! If you would like to join in, please sign up with this link:

    Thanks so much for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you!

    Kirsten Birmingham
    Social Media Marketing Community Manager

  16. October 29, 2015 / 8:58 pm

    I received an inquiry from Instagram today from you about a feature story. Please contact me at 336-782-0964 and let me know what that means. I love the work you are doing. I am just learning about you today.

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

    Devora Black,
    Devora Designs, owner/artist

  17. November 4, 2015 / 12:31 am

    Recently shot a lovely savannah engagement session. I think you should check it out!! I hope to hear from you soon!


  18. Philicia
    November 7, 2015 / 1:18 am

    Hello Southern Ladies!

    I recently discovered your site via social media and was really surprised. I wanted to let you know that I am a Southern Belle. My organization the Alabama A&M Univeristy Southern Belles or otherwise known as the AAMU Southern Belles. We are the first Historically Black University to have an established group of Southern Belles. Myself and three beautiful, intelligent young ladies by the names of Brittney, Ashley, and Destiny charted our organization from the University of South Alabama. Now an alumnus of the university I never thought we would have grown into such a successful dynamic group of women. I would love to share with you more about us and how we serve the university and the community.

  19. September 18, 2019 / 7:49 pm

    Hello Fellow Bison! I was wondering if you know of a Black Owned Flavored Cocktail Syrup company. Looking for a Lavender syrup. Thanks!

  20. Irene Bethelmie
    July 29, 2021 / 10:24 pm

    I am opening a restaurant that will serving wine.
    I am in search of an African American vendor.
    Please contact me at this email address.
    Thank you

  21. Dr. S. D. Jenkins
    September 16, 2021 / 6:01 pm


    I am looking for a Black Calendar called “Annie”? Do you carry this calendar? If so, please let me know!


    Dr. S. D. Jenkins – – 770-605-3915

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Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own.
