Black Holiday Heritage: Easter Memories in Mississippi | BSB MEDIA

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Black Holiday Heritage: Easter Memories in Mississippi

Black Holiday Heritage: Easter Memories in Mississippi


Easter is the festive celebration that doesn’t get enough credit. In the Black community, Easter preparations are a sacred time for countless southern belles as many of us can recall the famed holiday memories our mothers and grandmothers created. Through tradition and culture, Easter celebrations from Sunday dinner to community galas and soirees have longsense been a spectacle worth honoring in Black spaces. Constance Love of Partying with Love, an Atlanta-based event planning company knows the importance and semblance of Easter and incorporates the festiveness of the holiday in many ways. 

Easter Memories in Mississippi

Southern Easter traditions usually revolve around church and honestly, some families celebrate Easter in a similar way that they celebrate Christmas with gifts and new Sunday clothes. But, a mainstay staple of Easter is decorating the home with Spring-inspired decor and setting the table for Easter dinner. 


Born and raised in Mississippi, Love always revelled in Easter celebrations. As a child, Love also recalls how her own family traditions helped to cultivate her skills as an event planner. 

“I can remember waking up on Easter morning or Resurrection Sunday to a table we had set the night before. My mom had china that had been passed down from her great-grandmother that we only pulled out for holidays and special occasions. It was slightly off white, with a brown trim.  I always enjoyed making sure everything matched and the napkins were neatly folded in the ‘baby plate’ as I liked to call it. It’s ironic that I didn’t realize, at the time, that the child in me was preparing myself for my future business,” Love said. 

Easter Sunday dinner has been a tradition for Black families for generations. Additionally, the meal stems from the Passover. No matter your belief, Easter or Resurrection Sunday has always had a close connection with food and events.

Constance Love’s Easter Staples for Table Setting

While there’s no specific Easter table setting trend, many people opt for tradition. Partying with Love is no different. Having a home and family of her own, she still believes in the importance of bringing out the best for the holidays, especially Easter. 

“Although it has been years since I have sat at the “kids table,” I have kept all those traditions alive, while still adding a few I’ve learned throughout the years. Our home has a formal dining room table set with fine china, boutiques of colorful flowers, freshly pressed napkins and some of the best sweet tea a Southern Belle can make,” Love said.

Staple products for table setting for Easter

  • Fine China – fine china is easier to get your hands on than you think. While usually china is passed down, many stores and outlets like Amazon and Overstock have china sets that are affordable. Thrift stores are also a great way to source china!
  • Napkins – Napkins are a table setting necessity. Fun colors that contrast with the dining sets are a great way to create colorful moods and themes.
  • Fresh flowers – flowers help to add a natural and fresh feel that helps to soften table decor.

Love and Heritage are the Foundation

Whether you just enjoy decorating, are a professional event planner or designer, Easter is a holiday rooted in love, family and tradition. 

“I can remember planning Easter dinner and buying décor for almost two weeks prior with my mom. I can still hear our conversations, debating between mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes, turkey or ham. Not even realizing it, I learned a lot about life, not just Easter or recipes during those conversations,” Love told BSB. 

What are your favorite Easter memories?




Mahogany Waldon

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