BSB Home Tour: Shelly Dozier-Mckee | BSB MEDIA

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BSB Home Tour: Shelly Dozier-Mckee

BSB Home Tour: Shelly Dozier-Mckee 24


We are pleased to announce the launch our BSB Home Tour Series. This is our newest series of lifestyle features for the Brand. No one decorates a home like a Black Southern Belle. Today we are featuring Atlanta Based  Interior Designer, Shelly Dozier-McKee. Her home is full of Southern details, with a splash of vintage and glam. Start off your Friday with some home decor inspiration, hopefully you will finish that last DIY project on your list or enlist Shelly to help you finish it!

BSB Home Tour: Shelly Dozier-Mckee


Name:  Shelly Dozier-Mckee

Title: Interior Designer / Owner

Organization:  ConfettiStyle Interiors


Hometown:  Oklahoma City, OK

Current City:  Atlanta, GA



What is your favorite room in your home?  

Our bedroom is my favorite space.  It’s not a large room but I just love the colors and patterns I used to design the space. The combination of wood and black make it comfortable for my husband and the floral and pink add the feminine touches I love.  {p.s.  I freshen up the look of  my bedroom décor every season  by changing my pillows and accessories}

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For the holidays, what are some of your favorite decor pieces to incorporate?

  I LOVE to decorate for the holidays and it is a big part of my design business.  One of the things I started years ago was decorating with a different theme every Christmas.  Every year I buy or make a handful of new items and then use pieces I already have to create the new theme.  And, as an avid gift wrapper, my gift wrap always coordinates with my tree décor.

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How would you describe your home decor style?

 Eclectic glam with a traditional twist.  I love to mix vintage and new, high and low and love pieces that have personality.

What is your favorite piece of art in your home and why?

My most treasured piece of art is a drawing of my mom.  My dad was in the hospital and before he passed away he had another patient he had met create a pencil drawing of my mom.  I recently found someone her in Atlanta that creates pencil drawings and had them create one of me.

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Did your mother inspire any of the pieces in your home?  

Years ago my mom took a trip to Africa and brought back several pieces of original art which she gave to me.  I have the art displayed around my home and it mixes well with my eclectic decorating style.

What is your motto when it comes to decorating your home?

 There’s one design quote that sums up my decorating motto —‘Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful’!  My home is a reflection of things I love, things I use and things that have meaning.

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Did you do any DIY projects in your home? If so, what did you do?

 Two recent projects were creating the black and white bedding for our bed and giving a classic wood armoire new life by painting it, lining the drawers and updating the knobs.

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What are some uniquely southern items in your home?

I have a vintage metal ceiling tin hanging over my sofa.  It was purchased from one of my favorite antique markets here in Atlanta.

Do you have any family heirlooms? If so, what and tell us more about them?

 I love vintage jewelry and have been fortunate to acquire some of my mom’s pieces.  Several years ago I started making jewelry and have incorporated some of those pieces into my designs.  I’ve included my jewelry as part of my décor and always have a handful of necklaces displayed on a bust form in my office.

What are some of your mother’s home decor traits or styles that you inherited?

To be honest, my dad was more of the decorator in our family.  He was super organized, loved to make things by hand and had an affinity towards antique and vintage pieces–all of which are decorating traits I inherited.


What is your fondest memory or home decor shopping with your husband?

 Like most husbands, mine is not a big fan of shopping.  But the last four years we have shopped The World’s Longest Yard Sale which is a flea market style event that runs from Alabama to Michigan.  Homeowners and vendors set up tents all along the route and sell vintage items, antiques and lots of junk.  Spending 3 or 4 days shopping this sale is something we look forward to each year and we have created some great memories that will last a lifetime.


In your kitchen, what piece of decor is the most functional and stylish and why?

 I love to use decorative items in the kitchen and one of my favorite pieces is a vintage brass champagne bucket that I use to hold spoons and utensils.  The bucket is functional, has lots of charm and the brass is beautiful against the white counters and tile.

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Michiel Perry


  1. June 27, 2015 / 12:28 am

    Love the feature on I follow Shelly’s blog for all her wonderful design tips and her beautiful style. Thanks for hosting such a talented interior designer.

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