Christina Mabry, Georgia Belle, Celebrating Events in Style | BSB MEDIA

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Christina Mabry, Georgia Belle, Celebrating Events in Style

Christina Mabry, Georgia Belle, Celebrating Events in Style 8

BSBs have a thing for creating jaw-dropping events for every special occasion! Christina Mabry turned this southern belle trait into inspiration for her business. Her company, Strike a Pose Booths, make events fun and fabulous by adding a photobooth experience. Learn more about this creative BSB in today’s feature!

Your Name

 Christina Mabry


Business Name

Strike A Pose Booths, LLC

What You Do


Photo Booth Rentals for all types of events

Where are you based?

Warner Robins, GA (Right in the heart of it all)

Why did you decide to start a business?

I wanted something fun that everyone would enjoy. I love photos and capturing those goofy moments when people just let go and enjoy themselves.

What is your favorite client story?

In this business, it’s hard to choose one favorite. However, I can say that for those last minute parties that we say “yes” to, it’s that satisfaction and gratitude that we were not only available at the last minute and exceeded their expectations! That always pleases me!

What is your website?

Who are some of your business idols?

Jeff Bezos. The CEO of Amazon. I can’t get enough of that site and its services. He defines the real definition of putting the customer first and at the same time empowers his employees.

Do you have any mentors?

I’m blessed enough to have two! My grandfather who has always stood by me, motivated me and told me that I could do anything I wanted to do as long as I put my mind to it. I can always depend on him to tell it like it is. My husband is my second mentor. He’s one of my biggest supporters and is my rock.  

What is your favorite thing about being southern?

The Hospitality.

What is your favorite southern dish?

Dressing. Not that boxed stuffing but real Thanksgiving dinner time dressing and gravy.

What is the most important thing you have done to build your business?

Being able to give back. When we first started out, we didn’t really have a product to show. Our local boys and girls club had a Kings of Style night. Not only were we able to provide a photo booth service at no charge, they helped spread the word and helped us grow. It really ended up being a blessing.

What are your favorite southern brands?

Monograms! On cups, clothes, pillows, you name it, I want a monograms on it

What is your favorite item or piece of clothing to wear/use while doing business?

I have a pair of eyeglasses with eyelashes on them. They are the cutest things. Everybody loves them and often thinks they’re mine at first glance. It always ends with a good laugh.

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Michiel Perry

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