Engagement Feature: AUC Love | BSB MEDIA

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Engagement Feature: AUC Love

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I personally know this couple so I am super happy to feature them on this site. These southern transplants embody everything that Southern represents and we are so happy to feature them. Enjoy all the happiness and   and in this post. I promise you it will make you smile and brighten your day!

Engagement Feature: AUC Love Black Southern Belle 4


Bride Name

Chastity Wells
Groom Name

Cameron Palmer
Engagement Location


Atlanta, GA
Engagement Date

Alma Mater of Bride

Spelman College
Alma Mater of Groom

Clark Atlanta University
Current City where you live

Atlanta, GA
Bride Hometown:

Portland, OR

How did you meet?
We were boarding a shuttle bus heading to church on Easter. I was a bus captain and took my role of ensuring everyone feels welcomed very seriously so I introduced myself :).

How long have you date?
We dated 5 years and have been engaged almost 1 year (our wedding day is actually our 6th year anniversary)!

How did he propose?
This video probably explains it best but he gathered all of my closest friends and family members (many came from out of town) and had them meet at the spot where we first met (Clark Atlanta’s Promenade). He told me he’d lost his phone and needed to meet the person who found at at Clark Atlanta. When we arrived I saw all of my loved ones standing with candles and I knew what was coming next :)..

When did you know he was the one?
I don’t know that there was a specific moment that I realized he was the one. From that shuttle ride we just clicked, instantly. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. He loved God just like I did, he was intelligent, very attractive and I had so much fun with him. We were best friends and it all seemed to happen over night. Our friendship is probably favorite element of our relationship.

What is the cutest thing he has done for you without you asking?
Cam is pretty romantic which was an adjustment for me. I wasn’t used to that at all. He’s done lots of little things to let me know that he loves me. Once he purchased over 60 bite sized kit kats and placed them in a basket along with a beautiful card. He gave the basket to my best friend and roommate at the time and had her place it outside of my bedroom door so that I’d see it when I woke up. It wasn’t my birthday, or valentines day…he did it just because :).

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What is something you love about him that has completely changed your life?
Cam is incredibly patient and I’m not…at all! He’s most patient with me and he’s stayed with me through my many insecurities which totally could have driven him away. He’s taught me how to trust and he loves me unconditionally. It feels great to have his support and to see how committed he is to helping me be the best me I possibly can.

What part of wedding planning is making you crazy?
Can I be honest? All of it! I’m so not into wedding planning. I’m a very indecisive person so picking flowers and colors of flowers and programs and invitations is pretty overwhelming.

What part of wedding planning can you not live without?
My circle! God has blessed me with an amazing group of women who are all so eager to support me as I prepare for not only the wedding but my marriage. My sister is the best Maid of Honor ever and never hesitates to take a call from me (no matter how early or late) to offer her advice. I think every woman needs a group or at least one person who won’t just stand next to her on her wedding day, but who will also be there once the pretty dress is back on the hanger, the flowers are dead and the food has been eaten.

What was your first thought the day after your engagement?
“Wait….was that a dream? Am I really getting married”? I couldn’t believe it had finally happened. I was excited but also a bit scared. I wondered “Will I be a good wife? What’s going to change? Is this real? What if I can’t have kids”? It was an odd mixture of happiness and irrational fear.

We wish them the best of luck on their engagement, wedding planning and marriage. Be on the look out for their wedding feature as well!


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Michiel Perry

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