Karen Pryor - Couture Carolina Belle | BSB MEDIA

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Karen Pryor – Couture Carolina Belle

Karen Pryor - Couture Carolina Belle 5

Everyone knows a loves fashion, but for Karen Pryor, fashion is so much more. Karen is a DC based, South Carolina Native who lives and breathes all things fashion. The owner of KMP Fashion Consulting, LLC, Karen is a shining example of a Black Southern Belle in the creative industry. We love her sense of style and love her home state. For all of you aspiring fashionistas, make sure to start follow

Business Name:

KMP Fashion Consulting, LLC


What You Provide:

We provide fashion consulting services primarily to women to help them understand how to shop for their budget and body types. Services also include wardrobe consultation and personal shopping services.

Where are you based?


Washington, DC


Why did you decide to start a business?

I wanted to create a service that would help women to truly understand how to shop without industry standards, trends, and media clouding their judgment and/or view of themselves.

What is your favorite client story?

The client story that comes to mind is when I did some personal shopping for my former manager, one of my first clients. She is the Production Director of Charleston Fashion Week® and has little time to find her own outfits for the week-long event. Having known her for a number of years, I created looks for her with ease, but as the saying goes, “the customer is always right.” I wanted to make sure that she actually liked the items. Not only did she like the items, but they were adopted into her daily wardrobe. To this day, she still comments on a particular maxi skirt that was purchased the shopping trip.

What is your website?


Who are some of your business idols?

My husband, I love the way how he is able package all of his different talents under one umbrella, while allowing them them to still be their own entities.

What is your favorite thing about being southern?

The idea that I was taught to be a lady I every aspect- speech, demeanor, interactions. It is definitely something that has influenced me, especially now since I am getting older and really understanding myself as a woman.


What is your favorite southern dish?

Red rice & fried chicken

What is the most important thing you have done to build your business?

Solidified it as a limited liability corporation.


What are your favorite southern brands?

I don’t have a favorite brand, but rather a favorite symbol- the palmetto tree and moon that is featured on the SC state flag.

What is your favorite item or piece of clothing to wear/use while doing business?

A fitted midi dress/pencil and pearl earrings, simple, elegant, with a touch of sexy.





Michiel Perry

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