Giving and commitment to our communities are southern values we hold on to do dearly. Brettica uses those values to guide her personal and professional career. This South Carolina Native enjoys serving others and is focused on improving the educational system of the south one step at a time. Learn more about this SC Belle, including her commitment to making a better education system and her love of the South!
Bretticca Moody
First Year Experience Coordinator/Academic Advisor for TRIO Student Support Services
Missouri State University
Denmark, South Carolina
Alma Mater:
College of Charleston and Columbia College SC
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
Favorite thing about being southern: I love everything about being southern honestly, its hard to pick just one, lol. The sights, sounds, people, customs, food. I believe my southern values deeply rooted in faith and family helped shaped me into the person I am today.
What is your personal life motto:
Love God, Love People
What is the most challenging professional obstacle you have had:
My most challenging professional obstacle thus far would have to be right at the beginning of my career, when I accepted a position out of state but it didn’t work out the way that I planned and I eventually moved back to South Carolina. I was devastated. A few weeks later after moving back however, I interviewed for and accepted another position that I loved, so everything worked out. I have the badge from that very first position in my possession as a reminder to me that God’s plans for us are so much greater than our own.
What do you love about non profit and service oriented work?
I love that in service and non profit work, the fruits of your labor can be visibly seen as it impacts the quality of life for others. More specifically with the work that we do in TRIO, it is amazing to see the growth in our students as well as the academic and career success that they experience during their time in the program and beyond. The work we do is definitely rewarding and receiving a thank you in the form a thank you note, hug, or a quick call from a student is icing on the cake.
Who is your favorite character a “Different World”?
Hands down Whitley Gilbert.
What do you love about your hometown?
My hometown of Denmark is a very special place full of history. My maternal family has resided there for many generations. Everyone knows everyone and will stop and hold on a conversation with you. What I love most is the fact that whenever I go to visit it is as if I have never left.
What is your favorite southern dish?
Grits, I have loved them from a very young age. I am a breakfast/ brunch girl and will eat grits at any and every meal if you let me.
If you could meet any famous #Black Southern Belle, who would it be?
Lady O, Oprah Winfrey. Because who doesn’t love Oprah!
What did you love about growing up in the south?
Appreciating the simple things that life has to offer.
What are some of your favorite southern brands?
Cheerwine soda. It is the absolute best. Since I live in Missouri now I can only have it when I visit SC.
When you want to take a day trip in the south, what is your go to place?
My favorite day trip has been and always will be the beach. I love Edisto Beach in SC. It is a family friendly beach, and never really crowded. It is my thinking place where I usually write and catch my second wind.
Where can we connect with you?
Facebook: Bretticca Moody, Linkedin: Bretticca Moody Twitter: @Bretticca
Way to go Bretticca! We are so proud of you!
Great job Brettica. An awesome representative of southern belles. Keep up the great work, so proud of you.
Wonderful spread Ticca. You really continue to amaze me and make me proud. Being southern definitely looks good on you dear.
Ticca, I am so proud of you! You are a perfect example for all young ladies of what endless possibilities are about. Continue to strive for greatness, and may your blessings continuously flow.
Hey girly! keep striving for greatness! Proud of you !
Reading this really touched my heart. I am blessed to say that I know you. Such an inspiration and a gift to so many! I am godly proud of you beautiful!
Great job Brettica! Keep giving your best and representing the South, Lady. So proud of you!
please send me a copy of the article on Brettica Moody my great niece.
What an awesome read on an awesome young woman… I am so very proud of you and your accomplisments. I can do all things in Jesus Christ who strengthens me… Continue to spread your wings, embrace you and honor your roots. God has so much more for you to do. I enjoyed the article thoroughly… Love u… God Bless…