Tips for How to Brew Better Coffee at Home from Methodical Coffee | BSB MEDIA

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Tips for How to Brew Better Coffee at Home from Methodical Coffee

Tips for How to Brew Better Coffee at Home from Methodical Coffee

Can’t live without your daily caffeine routine and want to find a way to improve your next brew or just impress guests at your next brunch event? You are in luck, we have a few tips for how to brew better coffee at home today. With tips fromA�A�Methodical Coffee Co-Owner Will Shurtz you will be sure to impress your guests and yourself for your next coffee experience. A�

Our experts atA�Methodical Coffee import and source the finest a�?Specialty Gradea�? single origin green coffee beans with a score of 85 and up from around the world and they specialize in the roasting technique known as a�?light/fully developed.a�? And they are giving you the best tips on how to brew better coffee at home in case you can’t make it to their stylish Greenville store. A�Get inspired for your next coffee adventure with these tips below:

1. Buy digital gram scale at your local kitchen supply store and weigh your coffee instead of measuring by scoops. I recommend a 16:1 (water to coffee) ratio for brewing.
athens, ga
2. Invest in a conical burr grinderA�like this one here. The grinder makes ALL the difference.
athens, ga
3. The above two tips will make for a better cup of coffee with any brewer, but I recommend either brewing by the cup with the pour over method, like theA�Kalita Wave, or investing in a drip coffee maker that really has all of the brewing parameters dialed in for your maximum enjoyment, like aA�Bonavita.
athens, ga
Photography by Paige French


Michiel Perry


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Michiel Perry

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