10 HBCU Homecomings To Attend Besides Your Own | BSB MEDIA

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America’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities: A Narrative History, 1837-2009

10 HBCU Homecomings To Attend Besides Your Own

Marching bands, great athletics, school spirit out of this world, tailgating and amazing dancers are just some of the aspects that make the HBCU homecoming experience one of a kind. It is the time of year where you get to wear hoodies and varsity jackets representing your school and you get to learn your university’s history in depth with daily events and activities during the week of homecoming. Not to mention, you meet some of the many great notable alumni from your HBCU and the Greeks from the divine nine [of course] stomp holes in the yard! Besides your own HBCU homecoming, these are ten southern HBCU homecomings that you should consider attending.

1. A�South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, SC is home of award winning, Marching 101 and their poppingA�Champagne Dancers. Attending their homecoming events, from their parade up to their concerts, step show, and football game (where every participant from football, band, and spirit teams are winners) is such a great experience. The big portion of local alumni make this homecoming family friendly and students from about all of the schools in South Carolina come celebrate with the Bulldogs at SC State!

sc state university


2. Alabama State University in Montgomery, AL will most definitely provide you with the Turkey Day Classic you are looking for. If you don’t know what the buzz is about, visit the Almighty ASU and feel A�the Hornets’ sting!


3. Florida A&M University all the way down atA�the tip of the state [Tallahassee], is home of word famous, Marching 100. Of course, their football team in outstanding, so are their concerts, but people will travel miles away just to sit in the stadium and hear the melodies of Marching 100 and see the Diamond Dancers dazzle!



4. Winston-Salem State University of Winston- Salem, NC has one of the greatest homecoming experiences ever. From having world renowned artists and comedians perform, to their great Greeks, and what can be considered some of the greatest HBCU cheer squads ever, you should really go rumble with the Rams!

winston salem

5. Clark Atlanta University in the “capital of the South” is sure to show you a good time during homecoming. I am pretty sure you are aware of all of the hot celebs that come straight out of the “dirty dirty,” and you know performers show plenty of love to their hometowns, which is why you should really attend a Clark Atlanta homecoming, other than the great athletics, food, and school spirit.

clark atlll

6.A�Southern University at A�Baton Rouge can give you a lifetime homecoming experience with the true Dancing Dolls! This homecoming game alone will keep you hype the entire time, so just imagine all of the other festivities that this beautiful school has to offer in this interesting city.

southern un

7. Texas Southern University’s homecoming is really one for the books. These homecomings do things a little differently from other HBCU homecomings, such as bowl-a-thons and a golf tournament. If you want classic HBCU homecoming with a twist, this would be a perfect option for you.


8. North Carolina A&T University of Greensboro, NC is known as “the greatest homecoming on earth.” If you go to an HBCU, your school pride will definitely make you beg to differ about it being “the greatest homecoming on earth,” but let’s be real… you and I both know for a fact that it is indeed pretty close. Join the Aggie’s and never miss a beat!


9.A�Virginia State University has homecomings that are sure to entertain you the entire time you are there, whether you go visit the Monday during the week of homecoming, or the actually homecoming day, the Trojans will have your mind blown with all of their plenty activities.


10. Tennessee State University is open to you and your family help them “celebrate a legacy of pride and progress” with another of the best marching bands in the world. Join the Tigers and roar with pride during open season!





Teiatra Davis


    September 1, 2016 / 1:24 am

    The mere fact that the HBCU’s celebrate homecoming is wonderful in itself. There were some that weren’t mentioned. Hopefully this blog about HBCU homecomings will continue with more universities being highlighted!! AGGIE PRIDE!!! #GHOE (GREATEST HOMECOMING ON EARTH!)

  2. Golden BETHUNE-HILL
    September 3, 2016 / 4:00 pm

    Aggie Pride! I love my homecoming and I also love going to Virginia State with my husband!

  3. M
    September 10, 2016 / 2:38 pm

    Southern University is most definitely the place to be for HC…atmosphere like no other.#southernhospitality #nevermeetastranger

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