Homegrown Charleston Romance | BSB MEDIA

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Homegrown Charleston Romance

Homegrown Charleston Romance 2

Church is a huge part of life in the south. For Kristan and Sherard, the church is what placed them together. For their beautifully styled, Charleston, SC engagement shoot, they took their love back to where it began, their home church, Mount Zion, A.M.E. Church. This SC based couple is beyond cute and we are so excited to share their story. Check out this Friday engagement feature and start your weekend off right!

Mt. Zion AME Church (4 of 19)

Kristan Stewart

Sherard Brown

Mount Zion A.M.E. Church

March 1. 2015

Columbia College

Winthrop University

Greenville, SC

Charleston, SC

Charleston, SC

Delta Sigma Theta

Kappa Alpha Psi

We first met in high school. He was a senior and I was a junior. However, we did not start speaking to each other until his dad became the pastor at our church. From there, we were friendly and spoke to each other from time to time when we would see each other at church. It was not until we were in college and attended a college a party that we started taking more of an interest in each other.
Mt. Zion AME Church (14 of 19)

We have been dating officially since 2007. (8 years!)

He propsed on March 1st, 2015 at the first place we began to be friends – Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church. We attended church as usual, and during the end of the service he began to make his way to the altar. At first I thought he was giving a testimony, but as he was talking he started to make his way towards me. All I could think was, “No! Don’t do this here because I look bad!” He began to tell me how much he loved me and how much God has blessed our relationship. From that moment, he got on one knee and I said yes! It was truly a great moment!

When he was willing to stick by me through multiple educational degrees in which I moved to multiple cities away from him.
Kristan+Sherard _Casual Chic_Part228

Since we live in separate cities at the moment, he comes to visit me often. Sometimes he would drive up to see me and not tell me at all. The whole time he would be talking to me on the phone to make sure I was there and did not go out of town or something.

How family-oriented he is. Also, he is very self-less and passionate about his career.

The guest list.

Looking for my wedding dress with my mom and planning the honeymoon afterwards.
Kristan+Sherard _Casual Chic_Part225

I can’t believe I’m actually engaged because I said I would never get married

Coordinating outfits and picking special locations. I loved shooting downtown and in my home church where he proposed.
Kristan+Sherard _Casual Chic_Part21

Well my two close friends (who are also my bridesmaids) already knew because he wanted them to be a witness to the engagement. And he posted the engagement on Instagram right after it happened so everyone was texting me congratulations. So I really did not get to personally tell anyone first.


All the time. I don’t think I’ve even really said fiancé more than a handful of times.

Images via Aneris Photography

Sherard + Kristan_Causal_Part152 Sherard + Kristan_Causal_Part151 Sherard + Kristan_Causal_Part149 Sherard + Kristan_Causal_Part147 Sherard + Kristan_Causal_Part145 Sherard + Kristan_Causal_Part136 Sherard + Kristan_Causal_Part131 Sherard + Kristan_Causal_Part122 Sherard + Kristan_Causal_Part19 Sherard + Kristan_Causal_Part15 Sherard + Kristan_Causal_Part11 Mt. Zion AME Church (19 of 19) Mt. Zion AME Church (14 of 19) Mt. Zion AME Church (4 of 19) Kristan+Sherard _Casual Chic_Part228 Kristan+Sherard _Casual Chic_Part227 Kristan+Sherard _Casual Chic_Part225 Kristan+Sherard _Casual Chic_Part216 Kristan+Sherard _Casual Chic_Part215 Kristan+Sherard _Casual Chic_Part28 Kristan+Sherard _Casual Chic_Part21




Michiel Perry

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